Rock Rose Navy Strength Scottish Gin Miniature – 5cl Dunnet Bay Distillers, makers of Premium Scottish Spirits, follows through the success of Rock Rose Gin with its higher proof equivalent available in Rock Rose Gin Navy Strength 5cl bottle. Bottled at 57% ABV, this gin is made with the same distilled spirit used in the original Rock Rose Gin but at a fuller strength which gives this drink the power to deliver a more intense warming sensation upfront. Combined with a strongly berry flavour derived from blueberries, rowan, and hawthorn, expect the bite to be followed by a citrusy relief. Then, the more complex and earthy flavours of other botanicals, including angelica and orris, become more prominent towards the finish. The overall experience is simply something you would want to look forward to again and again. And, having a Rock Rose Gin Navy Strength small bottle within reach will permit you to give in to your gin cravings. For sampling this gin, consider a Rock Rose Gin miniature. The opaque, white bottle that comes with a vintage garden design label also makes this one deserving to be in your collection. You will be glad to know that you can have your name printed on a Rock Rose Gin Navy Strength mini bottle or have someone elses name printed on it if you intend to give it as a gift.